In douala Cameroun; Our Cameroun Déménageurs team brings you years of experience with top furniture installers, moving service specialists, pool table service experts, fitness equipment installers, Artwork installers, Freight delivery services, junk removal and hauling services in Cameroun - Central Africa. Our clients are typically african families; homeowners, bookstores, apartment renters, interior designers, new home builders, realtors, apartment communities, business offices, hotel chains, Art galleries, restaurants, bars, small businesses, churches, corporate offices, museums, Government agencies, Local African government offices, child care nurseries, day care centers, property management companies, interior design firms, construction companies, college students, universities, non profit organizations, retail stores department and more..

Contact us (+237) 671-036-145 - Whatsapp

Transportation - Moving - Delivery - Installation

We are the Top Notch Local Movers in Cameroun

It is what we do


" Quality service "

24/7 - Get quotes Online

Central - East - West - North Cameroun



We are experts in installation of many items including

Trampoline - Home gym - Treadmill - Elliptical - exercise bike - Swing Set / playset

Ping pong /Tennis table - Pool Table - Murphy Bed - bunk bed - Sofa - Game table

TV Installation services

Residential Movers - Downtown Movers - same day movers

Furniture movers - Apartment movers - College student movers

International Movers - Africa Movers


Douala Movers

With our extremely extensive training in the installation, logistic and moving fields; Our certified team of installers and movers can complete any project within our scope of work in a timely manner and the respect of your privacy. We are the top installers of high quality luxury home furniture, high end game tables, luxury rugs, office furniture and art frame throughout Cameroun and surrounding African countries

Full Service installation services and moving company in Cameroun - Africa

Ask how we can best assist you with your current or future moving project in Cameroun